Data Packs


A process file is the recipe file that the machine process to produce an output


This is the processing length required to complete the process, this is measured in ticks, there is 20 ticks per second

so a duration of...

  • 20 = 1 second

  • 100 = 5 seconds

  • 200 = 10 seconds

  • 400 = 20 seconds

  • 1200 = 1 minute

  • 6000 = 5 minutes


"duration": 400


this can be either text or a translation key


  "name": {
    "text": "Solar Panel Blockstate Edition"


  "name": {
    "translation": ""

Structure Id

This is the structure id you set in one of your structure.json files

Do note that the namespace for the structureId is actually the namespace of the folder you put the structures into. so the namespace folder in this example datapackName\data\namespace\mm\recipes\

"structureId": "namespace:drying_rack"

Do note if you have your structure files in a folder you will need to write the entire path to them, for example if your structure is in a folder called structure1 datapackName\data\namespace\mm\structures\structure1\cheese_maker.json then your structure id is

"structureId": "namespace:structure1/cheese_maker"

Input / Output Process Entries

Entry - Port Designated

The mm:port_designated recipe entry, simple takes other recipe entries, but only checks and applies them to the designated port of the given id

The Recipe Entry Id

    "type": "mm:port_designated",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:port_designated",
    "portId": "my_funky_port",
    "entry": {
        // another recipe entry goes here

Common Example

This example (as an input) will consume 10000FE of energy from the energy port which has been given the id (when defined in the structure) of "my_funky_port"

    "type": "mm:port_designated",
    "portId": "my_funky_port",
    "entry": {
        "type": "mm:simple",
        "ingredient": {
            "type": "mm:energy",
            "amount": 10000

Entry - And Gate

If you need to use multiple requirements and processes within a single entry, use the mm:gate/and Entry Type.

This can be used inside of an mm:gate/or to effectively require "(a group on inputs) OR (an alternate group of inputs)"

This is a recursive recipe entry; meaning, you can effectively put recipe entries inside of recipe entries. Note this can get confusing (remember discord support is always an option. We are happy to help)

The Recipe Entry Id

    "type": "mm:gate/and",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:gate/and",
    "conditions": [
        // list of recipe entry objects

Common Example

    "type": "mm:gate/and",
    "conditions": [
            "type": "mm:simple",
            "ingredient": {
                "type": "mm:energy",
                "amount": 1000 
            "type": "mm:tick_modifier",
            "newDuration": 10

Entry - Per Tick

For inputs, mm:per_tick will consume the specified ingredient every tick that the recipe is processing for.

For outputs, mm:per_tick will output the specified ingredient every tick that the recipe is processing for.

The Recipe Entry Id

    "type": "mm:per_tick",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:per_tick",
    "ingredient": {
        // port type ingredient

Common Example

    "type": "mm:per_tick",
    "ingredient": {
        "type": "mm:energy",
        "amount": 1000

Entry - Simple

For inputs, the mm:simple recipe entry defines a required ingredient with the option to specify a chance of the input being consumed.

For outputs, the mm:simple recipe entry defines an output ingredient also with the option to specify a chance of whether the ingredient will be output or not.

The Recipe Entry Id

    "type": "mm:simple",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:simple",
    "chance": <chance between 0 (0% chance) to 1 (100% chance)>,
    "ingredient": {
        // port type ingredient

Common Example

    "type": "mm:simple",
    "chance": 0.6,
    "ingredient": {
        "type": "mm:energy",
        "amount": 1000

Input / Output Ingredient Types

These are the ingredient types inside the input and output sections of a recipe.


This page defines what type of ingredient you can use as an input for your recipes.

Base Mod

These types are already implemented into Masterful Machinery no extra addons are required.


  "type": "mm:item",
  "item": "modId:blockId",
  "count": 1

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:item",
    "item": "minecraft:orange_concrete",
    "count": 1


This type will allow you to use RF Energy as part of the recipe


  "type": "mm:energy",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:energy",
    "amount": 42069


This type will allow you to use liquids in your recipe.


  "type": "mm:fluid",
  "fluid": "modId:fluidId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:fluid",
    "fluid": "minecraft:lava",
    "amount": 100


This type will allow you to limit what dimension your recipe can process in. You can only use this as a input requirement.


  "type": "mm:dimension",
  "dimension": "modId:dimId"

Full Example

   "type": "mm:dimension",
   "dimension": "minecraft:the_end"

Create mod

In order to use these ingredient types you must first have these dependencies

  1. Create mod and its dependencies installed in your modpack

  2. Created a create_rotation capable port inside your config/ports folder


This type will allow you to use creates rotational force in order for your machine to operate.


  "type": "mm:create_rotation",
  "speed": floatNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:create_rotation",
    "speed": 256

Mekanism Mod

In order to use these ingredient types you must first have these dependencies

  1. Mekanism mod and its dependencies installed in your modpack

  2. Created a mekanism_X capable port inside your config/ports folder


This can onl be used as a input, output will not work.

This type will accept Mekanism Lasers energy beams as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_laser",
  "energy": doubleNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekansim_laser",
    "energy": 99123456789


This type will allow mekanism gasses to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_gas",
  "gas": "modId:gasId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_gas",
    "gas": "mekanism:hydrogen",
    "amount": 1000


This type will allow mekanism heat to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_heat",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_heat",
    "amount": 3333


This type will allow mekanism infuse types to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_infuse",
  "infuseType": "modId:infuseId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_infuse",
    "infuseType": "mekanism:redstone",
    "amount": 500


This type will allow mekanism pigments to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_pigment",
  "pigment": "modId:pigmentId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_pigment",
    "pigment": "mekanism:pink",
    "amount": 500


This type will allow mekanism slurries to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_slurry",
  "slurry": "modId:slurryId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_slurry",
    "slurry": "mekanism:dirty_copper",
    "amount": 666


This page defines what type of ingredient you can use as an output for your recipes.

Base Mod

These types are already implemented into Masterful Machinery no extra addons are required.


This type will allow you to use items as part of the recipe, you CANNOT use tags it must be a single item output, though you can have multiple item output entries.


  "type": "mm:item",
  "item": "modId:blockId",
  "count": 1

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:item",
    "item": "minecraft:orange_concrete",
    "count": 1


This type will allow you to use RF Energy as part of the recipe


  "type": "mm:energy",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:energy",
    "amount": 42069


This type will allow you to use liquids in your recipe.


  "type": "mm:fluid",
  "fluid": "modId:fluidId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:fluid",
    "fluid": "minecraft:lava",
    "amount": 100

Create mod

In order to use these ingredient types you must first have these dependencies

  1. Create mod and its dependencies installed in your modpack

  2. Created a create_rotation capable port inside your config/ports folder


This type will allow you to use creates rotational force in order for your machine to operate.


  "type": "mm:create_rotation",
  "speed": floatNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:create_rotation",
    "speed": 256

Mekanism Mod

In order to use these ingredient types you must first have these dependencies

  1. Mekanism mod and its dependencies installed in your modpack

  2. Created a mekanism_X capable port inside your config/ports folder

Do note you cannot use Mekanism Laser as an output.


This type will allow mekanism gasses to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_gas",
  "gas": "modId:gasId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_gas",
    "gas": "mekanism:hydrogen"


This type will allow mekanism heat to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_heat",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_heat",
    "amount": 1000


This type will allow mekanism infuse types to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_infuse",
  "infuseType": "modId:infuseId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_infuse",
    "infuseType": "mekanism:redstone",
    "amount": 1000


This type will allow mekanism pigments to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_pigment",
  "pigment": "modId:pigmentId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_pigment",
    "pigment": "mekanism:orange",
    "amount": 125


This type will allow mekanism slurries to be used as an input for your machine.


  "type": "mm:mekanism_slurry",
  "slurry": "modId:slurryId",
  "amount": intNumber

Full Example

  "type": "mm:simple",
  "ingredient": {
    "type": "mm:mekanism_slurry",
    "slurry": "mekanism:dirty_copper",
    "amount": 333


structures are the json defined blocks and their placement relative to the controller.

Define a simple Structure

    "controllerId": "mm:my_controller",
    "name": {
        "text": "My Structure"
    "layout": [
        // Each array inside of the layout is a new y level for your structure
        // The top array is the heighest y level of your structure
            // You must define uppercase C only once, it tells the structure where the controller will be placed
            // Make sure you put the controller and the structure facing upwards in the file or in other words facing north
    // next you find the key object which defines the structure parts for each letter in your layout
    "key": {
        // this is the structure part, it defines what the character from the layout actually stands for
        "A": {
            "type": "mm:block",
            "block": "minecraft:glass"
        "B": {
            "type": "mm:block",
            "block": "minecraft:sand"
        "D": {
            "type": "mm:tag",
            "tag": "minecraft:wool"
        "E": {
            "type": "mm:block",
            "block": "minecraft:dirt"

Controller Id

This is the id you set in the controller file in the config folder

"controllerId": "mm:solar_panel"


These are arrays of strings where each line represents a block layout like you where looking down on a slice of your machine.

The top of the array is north, bottom south, right is east, left is west

Each array is a different Y level in your structure, the top layer in the file is the very top layer of your structure

A capital C is specifically reserved for the controller, this is automatically defined by setting the controllerId at the top of the file

For a structure file to be valid it needs to have a capital C in the layout somewhere

The code below is of a 3x3x3 structure, where...

  • 1 = cobblestone (Very top layer)

  • 2 = stone (Central layer)

  • 3 = oak_log (Very bottom layer)

  • C = the controller

"layout": [


this can be either text or a translation key


  "name": {
    "text": "Solar Panel Blockstate Edition"


  "name": {
    "translation": ""

Structure Part - And

The mm:and structure part is quite a cool part, this structure part will make it so the one block space MUST have both of the required properties inorder for it to be correct. e.g. A daylight detector and a specific power level of that daylight detector.

The Structure Part Id

    "type": "mm:and",

Full Definition

"D": {
  "type": "mm:and",
  "parts": [
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "<block id>"
      "type": "mm:blockstate",
      "blockstates": {
        "<state>": "<Value>"         <-- All values must be encased in double quotes even integers and booleans

Full Example

"D": {
  "type": "mm:and",
  "parts": [
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "minecraft:daylight_detector"
      "type": "mm:blockstate",
      "blockstates": {
        "inverted": "true"


Each key has to be unique and must be one of these characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !@#$%^&*, but not capital C as this is reserved for the controller

Note: a-z and A-Z are different characters so having "a" and "A" as 2 keys is perfectly valid


You dont have to define the controller in the list of keys, since we put this information in the controllerId value at the top, but you still need C in the layout

What are Structure Parts?

Structure Parts are different types of json objects which can be used in the key of a structure. To define what and where each block goes. You can have and / or gates in this as well.

Structure Part - Block

The mm:block structure part is simply a key for a specific block in a structure.

The Structure Part Id

    "type": "mm:block",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:block",
    "block": "<block id>"

Full Example

    "type": "mm:block",
    "block": "minecraft:glass"

Structure Part - Or

The mm:or structure part is quite a cool part, this structure part will make it so the one block space can have EITHER the first entry or the second inorder for it to be correct.

e.g. A daylight detector and a sponge, inorder for it to detect complete one of these 2 blocks must be in the blockspace.

The Structure Part Id

    "type": "mm:or",

Full Definition

"D": {
  "type": "mm:or",
  "parts": [
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "<block id>"
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "<block id>"

Full Example

"D": {
  "type": "mm:or",
  "parts": [
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "minecraft:daylight_detector"
      "type": "mm:block",
      "block": "minecraft:sponge"

Structure Part - Port

The mm:port structure part defines a key for a port block as defined in the config jsons

The Structure Part Id

    "type": "mm:port",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:port",
    // the id field is optional, it is used for the mm:port_designated recipe entry to designate specific ports in a structure for an ingredient 
    "id": "<unique id of port in structure>",
    "port": "<port type id>",
    "input": <true|false>

Full Example

    "type": "mm:port",
    // the id field is optional, it is used for the mm:port_designated recipe entry to designate specific ports in a structure for an ingredient 
    "id": "my_funky_port",
    "port": "mm:item",
    "input": false

Structure Part - Port Block

The mm:block structure part is simply a key for a specific block in a structure.

The Structure Part Id

    "type": "mm:port_block",

Full Definition

    "type": "mm:port_block",
    // the id field is optional, it is used for the mm:port_designated recipe entry to designate specific ports in a structure for an ingredient 
    "id": "<unique id of port in structure>",
    "portId": "<id of the port you created in the config>"

Full Example

    "type": "mm:port_block",
    // the id field is optional, it is used for the mm:port_designated recipe entry to designate specific ports in a structure for an ingredient 
    "id": "my_funky_port",
    "portId": "mm:large_item_input"

Last updated